Welcome WalkBikeMarin is an initiative by the County of Marin to help make Marin more healthy, livable, and environmentally sustainable by encouraging walking and bicycling as everyday transportation. This initiative was catalyzed by a recent $25 million federal grant to fund the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP). The goal of the WalkBikeMarin website is to provide information about all the County’s bicycle and pedestrian projects and programs in one place. For more information on the NTPP see the About the Project page. Recent News
Sir Francis Drake/Whites Hill Improvements Completed 2018-07-16 Upcoming Unincorporated Area Improvement Projects 2018-05-10 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Rehabilitation Project Approved WalkBike Profile: Mike Schulst, San Rafael Occupation: Middle School Science Teacher How often do you ride your bicycle? I bike to work 3-5 times a week, and try to do an additional recreational ride on the weekends. When did you start riding a bike regularly? I started riding an extra small “ten speed” style bike when I was about 8 years old. After that I biked to school. In high school, my dad was part of a group of carpool parents, and I would sometimes race him when he drove my friends to school. What are your reasons for bicycling? I love the freedom and exercise I get when I ride. Sometimes I do a lot of thinking when I ride, and other times I think of nothing. Either way, I enjoy it. My wife and I do a lot of tandem bike riding which allows us to actually talk the entire time we ride with out having to share a lane. It’s a great way to spend time together. Also, I love doing errands on my bike and avoiding all the traffic and parking hassles than come with driving. Why is biking important to Marin County and to you? It’s nice knowing that you feel better arriving at your destination than you did when you left to get there. Marin is one of the most beautiful places to ride in the world! view past profiles > |