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Golden Gate Transit adds high capacity bike racks to bus fleet

Posted: 2009-07-30

All Golden Gate Transit buses are equipped with bike racks, each capable of holding two bikes. Now half the bus fleet is receiving new, high capacity bike racks that can hold three bikes, which will ease congestion on several popular routes around Marin County.

Previously, many people taking their bikes on the bus would encounter a full bike rack, and have to wait to board the next bus. Transit rules do not allow bikes to be taken inside the bus. Approximately 200 bikes are taken on Golden Gate Transit buses every day in Marin, and officials expect that number to grow with the added capacity. Funding for the new racks is being provided by the Transportation Fund for Clean Air grant from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and administered by the Transportation Authority of Marin.

WalkBikeMarin can't think of a better way to celebrate the ten year anniversary of Golden Gate Transit's Bike Racks on Buses program.  Golden Gate Transit first added bike racks to their buses in July 1999.  Read more in a story by the Marin IJ.

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