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International Walk to School Day is Wednesday, October 7

Posted: 2009-10-04

October is International Walk to School Month, and Wednesday, October 7 is International Walk to School Day.  Worldwide, communities have organized to promote walking to school. In previous years, over 40 countries around the world and 1,800 schools in California have participated in International Walk to School Day!  Walk to School Day helps gather attention and support to make walking safer and more convenient as a way for kids to stay healthy and active. 

Marin County schools are famous for turning out hundreds of student participants and are getting ready for another successful year. Check to see if your child's school is participating and walk to school with the world on Wednesday, October 7!

For more information on International Walk to School Day and resources on organizing walking programs at your child's school, see the California Walk to School Headquarters website and the official website of International Walk to School.

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