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Biking and walking rates continue to increase in Marin County

Posted: 2009-12-01

WalkBikeMarin has released a new report showing weekday walking and bicycling traffic up 51% and 118% since 1999. The numbers reflect a trend of continued increases in bicycling and walking as Marin County implements bicycle and pedestrian encouragement programs and builds new bicycle lanes and paths as part of the $25 million Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP). The counts were conducted between September 8, 2009 and September 21, 2009 as joint effort of the Marin County NTPP and the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project , which is seeking to build a national database of bicycle and pedestrian counts based on standard methodology.

The full 60 page report is available on WalkBikeMarin's Project & Program Reports page, or click here to download the report.  Marin County issued an official press release announcing the report on Monday, November 30th.  You can read the press release here.

Updated 2009-12-03:

On December 1st, the Marin IJ ran a front page story on the results of the WalkBikeMarin bicycle and pedestrian count report.  You can read the story here.  The same article ran in the Contra Costa Times which you can see here. Around the web, Streetsblog and have also mentioned the results of the count report.

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