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Trips for Kids recieves $30,000 capacity-building grant

Posted: 2010-01-18

Locally-based nonprofit Trips for Kids announced last week that it was awarded a $30,000 capacity-building grant from New Belgium Brewing Company.  The two-year grant will help Trips for Kids expand the support network it provides to over 65 chapters in the United States, Canada and Israel.

Trips for Kids introduces at-risk and disadvantaged youth to the world of cycling by taking them on day-long mountain biking trips to local parks and natural areas. Its programs help build confidence and social responsibility by introducing kids to environmental issues, teaching cycling skills and rewarding personal accomplishments.  Trips for Kids was founded in Marin County in 1988 and expanded to become a national organization in 1999.  Over 65,000 youth have participated in Trips for Kids programs to date.

New Belgium Brewing donates $1 to social and environmental organizations for each barrel of beer it sells, and has given over $3 million since 1995.  New Belgium's founder was inspired to start the brewing company after tasting Eurpopean brews on a mountain biking trip to Europe.

Read the press release announcing the award on the Trips for Kids website here.

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