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Marin residents view WalkBikeMarin progress at County Fair

Posted: 2010-07-13

At the Marin County Fair this year, WalkBikeMarin staff set up a booth to help residents identify how they can get more from biking and walking and to gather public input on bicycle and pedestrian issues in Marin.  Over 600 visitors inspected progress on local projects and programs funded by the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Project Grant, and took home free bicycling maps and WalkBikeMarin stickers, bicycling pant straps and patch kits.  Visitors to the booth were especially excited about the reopening of the Cal Park Tunnel, scheduled for completion in November.  On Saturday, July 3rd,visitors also enjoyed a information from The Bicycle Works of San Anselmo, who demonstrated two of their electric-assist bicycles.

About 350 County Fair visitors also completed a survey on bicycling and walking, with one survey participant being the lucky winner of a free bicycle!  More information on the raffle winner will be posted shortly.

WBM Booth at MCF 2010
WalkBikeMarin projects were on display at the 2010 Marin County Fair.



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