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WalkBikeMarin educational programs win national award

Posted: 2010-09-01

WalkBikeMarin recently learned that our walking and bicycling education and encouragement programs were awarded recognition as a 2010 EHEI transportation project by the Federal Highway Administration. The EHEIs - which stands for Exemplary Human Environment Initiatives - are an annual award given to outstanding transportation projects across the country that "create or improve conditions for human activities while protecting the natural environment."

WalkBikeMarin is proud to be recognized among this select group of recipients.  Learn more about EHEI designation at the EHEI website, or visit the WalkBikeMarin Event Calendar to view our schedule of award-winning classes and workshops.

UPDATE: The County of Marin issued a press release on September 2nd announcing the EHEI award.  The full press release is available here.

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