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Sustainable Communities Strategy Workshop - May 11th

Posted: 2011-05-01

Spring 2011
Public Workshops

Help us build on the Bay Area’s legacy of leadership by participating in this spring’s Plan Bay Area public workshops. Let’s plan together for future growth that enhances our region’s economy, environment and social equity by building compact communities with easy access to transit, jobs, schools, shopping, parks and services. Using the Initial Vision Scenario as a conversation starter, we’ll use computer modeling and other tools to help participants envision what various land-use/transportation scenarios may look like.

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission, in partnership with the Association of Bay Area Governments, is sponsoring the Wednesday, May 11th workshop at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 101 McInnis Parkway, in San Rafael, from 5:30pm to 8:30pm.

We need your help. Find a workshop and join us and your fellow community members for a dynamic discussion about your county’s future growth.

Seating's limited, so please register today:


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