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Ped & Bicyclists Find New Stripes & Signs on Golden Gate!

Posted: 2011-08-08

Improvements will assist in easing congestion and improve flow for all sidewalk users!

Following three meetings held over the last few months with sidewalk stakeholders including representatives from San Francisco Bike Coalition, Marin County Bicycle Coalition, SF Bike rental companies, and the disabled community, it was agreed that advisory striping with added signage would assist in easing the congestion occurring on the East Sidewalk, particularly on weekends and after 3:30 PM when the West Sidewalk is closed to cyclists. (The west sidewalk closure will conclude by September 30, 2011).  The striping and signage was added over several nights and completed on August 2.

There are now 8 locations across the 1.7 mile long sidewalk that have the dashed yellow striping and accompanying symbols for bikes and pedestrians painted onto the sidewalk. Each section of striping is about 30 feet in length. There are supplemental blue and white stickers, with the same symbols that are shown on the sidewalk, attached to every other light pole along the East Sidewalk.

The striping and signage is intended to be advisory in nature.  Since the start of the 4-month closure of the west sidewalk on May 31 to accommodate critical seismic retrofit work, there have been 2 reported solo bike accidents on the sidewalk. This is less than reported during the same time period in each of the last three years when 4 sidewalk bike-related accidents were reported in each year.

The sidewalk congestion does not equate to an unsafe situation, but it has presented some frustrations to regular sidewalk users.  Several weeks ago, signage was added at the approach points to the East Sidewalk of the Bridge.

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