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New Bike Racks in Downtown Larkspur

Posted: 2011-10-29

On installation day, a cyclist parked on one of the new racks before the protective wrapping had even been removed!

A dozen bike racks were recently installed in six locations in Downtown Larkspur, on Magnolia Avenue between the Lark Theater and City Hall.  This was made possible by remarkable public-private collaboration. 

Larkspur Department of Public Works Director Hamid Shamsapour and Engineer Phiroze Wadia identified the locations for the racks, which were paid for by a Transportation for Clean Air grant through WalkBikeMarin.  When the City was unable to provide funds for installation, Councilmember Kathy Hartzell started looking for donors.  Installation funding was provided by the Rotary Club of Central Marin, the Larkspur Library Foundation, Larkspur business owners and private citizens. 

Thanks to the efforts of all, bicyclists now have several convenient places to park in Downtown Larkspur. 

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