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Open House Nov 29th - Central Marin Ferry Connection Pathway

Posted: 2011-11-17

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Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) will host an informational open house on Tuesday, November 29th from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. in the cafeteria at Redwood High School, 395 Doherty Drive, Larkspur. The purpose of the open house is to present and gain feedback on the draft conceptual bridge designs and the criteria that will be used to select the preferred design. TAM and their consultants will also present the project’s process, schedule and milestones.

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"The Project" will extend the Cal Park Hill Multi-Use Pathway to the south by constructing a new elevated crossing over Sir Francis Drake Boulevard (SFDB) with an access ramp leading down to an existing multi-use pathway connecting to the Larkspur Ferry Terminal as well as other destinations.  The CMFC pathway will also be a convenient access location for non-motorized travelers destined for the future Larkspur SMART Station.  Minor improvements to the existing multi-use pathway along SFDB from the Highway off-ramp to the Ferry Terminal will also be considered. 

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