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Pick Your Holiday Tree Hike, Ring Mountain, Dec 3rd

Posted: 2011-11-21

Saturday, December 3 | 10am – 2pm
Location: Ring Mountain Preserve

Marin County Parks and Girl Scout Troops #31522 and #30729 are hosting a very special, one time only, Christmas tree harvest day on the Ring Mountain Preserve!

Families are invited to select, cut down, and take home their very own Christmas tree from the preserve! Pine trees are invading the preserve and impacting native habitats. This event will serve as a habitat restoration project, as well as a fun holiday activity for the whole family. The Girl Scouts will also offer a holiday swag-making booth, and refreshments will be provided.

Please note that these trees come in all shapes and sizes, and may not necessarily serve as a replacement for your traditional holiday tree ... think Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

Wear warm clothing and dress appropriately for hiking through scrub. Trees are growing across the preserve and are often difficult to access. Tools will be provided. Heavy rains may cancel: Call (415) 473-2128 on the morning of the event to hear a recorded message if cancelled.

Directions:From Hwy 101 in Corte Madera, take the Paradise Drive/Tamalpais Drive exit and continue onto Paradise Drive. Event will be held at the Phyllis Ellman Trail entrance on Paradise Drive.
Type of Event:Family, Volunteering

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