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Detour on Golden Gate Bridge for Bicyclists

Posted: 2011-12-07

Bike detour on southeast end of GGB, December 7-9

Utilities work related to the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge Pavilion in the Golden Gate Bridge Plaza requires the closure of the ramp in front of the Bridge Cafe. The closure will begin Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 7am and continue through Friday, Dec. 9 in the afternoon.

As a result, bicyclists will be allowed to use the walkway through the construction area ONLY IF they WALK their bikes. Otherwise, bicyclists will be required to follow detour signs through the area as shown in the attached PDF. The closure is expected to last 3 days, barring any change in weather, etc.

Project information coordinators will be on-site to answer questions. Detour signage will also be on-site.

Please share this with your fellow cyclists. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for the late notice. For more info, please visit


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