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Stroll the Old Railroad Grade May 1st

Posted: 2012-04-30

Tuesday, May 1 | 9am – 12pm
Location: Loma Alta Preserve

We will enjoy a slow stroll along the old railroad grade, a route that takes us in and out of a series of forested valleys separated by open grassland and coastal scrub habitats – a great combination which will provide us with a nice variety of birds, flowers, and everything else we are lucky enough to encounter along the way. We will employ a car shuttle so we can have a relaxing morning walk.

This walk is for adults. We request that no animals (except service animals) attend. David Herlocker will lead. Questions: Contact David at (415) 893-9508 or Heavy rain may cancel. Call (415) 893-9527 on the morning of the walk to hear a recorded message if cancelled. For more information, visit

Directions:Meet at the end of Glen Drive: From downtown Fairfax, go west on Sir Francis Drake Blvd for about 1 mile, turn right at Glen Drive. Car shuttle–please be on time.
Type of Event:Interpretive Walk

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