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Cheer On 2,700 Cyclists During Marin Century Ride August 4th

Posted: 2012-08-01

It's the 50th Anniversary of the Marin Century 60, 100 and 200 mile rides along the back roads of West Marin Saturday, August 4th, hosted by the Marin Cyclists Club, established in 1963.

Cheer on the 2,700 cyclists registered for this year's event.  The ride begins at Vallecito Elementary School in San Rafael, and is a very exciting place to be as the revved-up cyclists depart on their rides.  For a map of the route, please click here!

The Marin Century is 100% volunteer supported - quickly becoming scarce in the for-profit/professionally managed events.  (Thank those volunteers!)

Proceeds of the event support local charity athletic based youth and social causes.

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