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Streets for People: A Car-Free Event August 26th in Fairfax

Posted: 2012-08-24

Streets for People Event! 

When:  Sunday, August 26, 12:00-4:00pm 

Where: Bolinas between Broadway & Elsie Lane, Fairfax

Join us for a fun and relaxing Sunday afternoon on Bolinas Road in downtown Fairfax without any cars!  

Enjoy shopping, outdoor cafe tables for dining, a youth music showcase, a creative re-use market, a kid-zone, tween art, and street painting and portraits.

The Mono parking lot and a portion of Mono Avenue West of Bolinas Road for bicycle parking. 

Don't miss free services from local businesses including back-to-school haircuts, mini-bicycle tune-ups, street photo portraits, dance and yoga:

--Zumba Class in the Street with Roco dance at 1pm

--Yoga in the Street with Sienna of Yoga Mountain (Bolinas and Elsie Lane) at 3pm

This event is brought to you by Sustainable Fairfax in collaboration with the Town of Fairfax, the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce, and the Fairbuck.

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