Free San Geronimo Valley Hike/Climb Sunday Nov. 18th
When | Sunday, November 18, 2012, 9am – 2pm | Event Location | Meet at the Willis Evans Trailhead (formerly Bates Canyon). | Directions | From Sir Francis Drake Blvd (in Woodacre), turn at San Geronimo Valley Dr, turn left at Redwood Canyon Dr, (not Redwood Dr). | Type of Event | Interpretive Walk | Sponsor | Parks | Category | Recreation | Note | This ridge above the south side of the San Geronimo Valley is one of the great gems in the county. A pygmy Sargent Cypress forest and incredible views are our reward for the sustained climb that will bring us to the top (1,200 foot elevation gain, 7 mile round trip). This walk is free of charge, no registration is necessary. This walk is for adults. We request that no animals (except service animals) attend. David Herlocker will lead. Questions: Contact David at (415) 893-9508 or DHerlocker@marincounty.org. Rain may cancel: Call (415) 893-9527 after 7am on the morning of the event to hear a recorded message if cancelled. | Link | www.marincountyparks.org… |
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