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Marin editorial supports Pilot Program's efforts

Posted: 2008-03-03

This morning's Marin Independent Journal featured a staff editorial about the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program. After a close look at the baseline data recently presented to Congress, and a review of projects selected for the Pilot Program, they conclude that changing how Marin residents get around is both important and challenging:

"Changing Marin's auto-centric mindset, which has been engrained by decades of land-use planning based on driving, is a far greater challenge. For many local cyclists, riding is a form of recreation. Making major inroads into daily vehicle use ultimately will require a huge shift in how we live and work that will take decades.

Marin advocates deserve credit for tackling this complex issue. The stakes, after all, are high and getting higher, including the need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and address climate change and global warming.

We urge you to think about these numbers - and think twice before you get behind the wheel to run an errand."

Read the entire editorial here.

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