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TAM approves bike rack funding

Posted: 2008-05-18

On April 24, the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) approved an allocation of $342,000 in funding from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District funding for the installation of bike racks and bike lockers in locations throughout Marin County. Each bike rack will accommodate two bicycles and will be an "inverted U" type rack.

The County of Marin will manage this program which will result in the installation of new bike racks at schools, public buildings, department and grocery stores, transit stops, and recreational destinations. The program will be modeled after a program in Tennessee, where the public will be invited to submit requests with locations where bike racks are needed. The County will then assign a contractor to discuss the proposed project with the property owner to negotiate an agreement.

Look for details about this exciting project in the future, and start making notes about places where bike racks are needed.

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