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WalkBikeMarin survey a big success; lucky bike winner

Posted: 2008-07-31

Did you see us at the fair? WalkBikeMarin shared a tent with Marin County Parks and Open Spaces during the 2008 County Fair. Nearly 2000 Marin residents visited our booth and learned about bicycling and walking, as well as what WalkBikeMarin is all about. We also taught two Green Talk workshops, one on Bike Repair and Maintenance, and one on Bike Commuting 101.

Over 450 people took our Bicycling and Walking Survey as well, and all were entered into a random drawing for a fully-outfitted commuter bicycle.

Dee Cobia was the lucky recipient of the bicycle, and she completed the survey because she supports the County's efforts to improve bicycling conditions: "I think it’s great that [the County] is creating and promoting a more friendly, safe environment for bicyclists to enjoy their riding experience," she says.

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