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Share the Path, coming soon to a pathway near you

Posted: 2008-10-22

WalkBikeMarin will be encouraging safe and courteous use of our multi-use paths this fall. Path ambassadors will be doing outreach along the Mill Valley-Sausalito pathway, the Corte Madera pathway, and the Tiburon pathway, handing out flyers and encouraging proper use of the path by cyclists, dog walkers, pedestrians and skaters alike. Stop by our table for free fruit and snacks, as well as useful WalkBikeMarin water bottles, bells, and patch kits.

Path Ambassadors will be waiting to greet you at the following locations from 3:00 to 6:00 pm: 

  • Tuesday 11/4, Corte Madera pathway at Bon Air Road
  • Saturday 11/8, Sausalito pathway at East Blithedale Ave Cancelled due to rain
  • Tuesday 11/11, Corte Madera pathway at Bon Air Road
  • Wednesday 11/12, Tiburon pathway at Blackie's Pasture
  • Wednesday 11/19, Sausalito pathway at East Blithedale Ave
  • Thursday 11/20, Corte Madera pathway at Bon Air Road
  • Friday 11/21, Sausalito pathway at East Blithedale Ave
  • Saturday 11/22, Corte Madera Creek Pathway at Bon Air Road

Please stop by and say hello!

Heavy rain may cancel the event; if this occurs, we will post makeup dates as soon as possible on this page.

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