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Many projects, outreach programs, and planning studies are under way to improve walking and bicycling in Marin.  Click on the links below to get information about each of these efforts.

  • Adopted Primary, Local/Feeder, and Planning Projects Map [ pdf ]
Projects and Programs
  • List of adopted projects and programs [pdf]
  • List of supplemental project and program funding [pdf]

Active Planning Studies

  • No active studies at this time

Completed Planning Studies

Project and Program Fact Sheets (PDF files)


503-Sir Francis Drake Improvements (Fairfax) 

2007-Puerto Suello/Transit Ctr Conn

507-Pastori Sidewalk (Fairfax) 

2008-Los Ranchitos Conn (San Rafael)
601-San Rafael Transit Center  
2013-Medway Improv.(San Rafael) 
709-Doherty Drive Path (Larkspur)
2014-Health Campus (San Rafael)
1502-Commuter Conn./Enfrente (Novato)
2015-Mahon Cr/Transit Center Ctr  
1600 Alameda del Prado Class II Lanes (Novato)

2020-East Francisco Blvd. (San Rafael) Phase II Construction 

1701-Sir Francis Drake Impr. (Ross)
2105-Gate 6/Bridgeway Improvements (Sausalito)
1805-Saunders Crossing (San Anselmo)
2106-Bridgeway-Ferry Path (Sausalito)
1813 - Strawberry Pt. School Ped Improvements
 2300 - Cal Park Hill Tunnel

1907-Madrone Crossing (San Anselmo)

2004-Terra Linda/N. San Rafael Imp.
2302-Puerto Suello Hill Path
2006-Northgate Gap Closure (San Rafael)
2635-Tennessee Valley Path  
 2637-Manzanita Connector (Tam Valley)

501-Parkade Improvements (Fairfax)2627-Bridgeway Path (Sausalito)
702-Central Marin Ferry Connection  
Larkspur Station Routing Study 

2717-San Rafael-Fairfax Corridor Study

1001-Alto Tunnel Bikeway Corridor   2720-Mill Valley/Corte Madera Corridor Study
2000-Francisco Blvd East ImprovementsSan Quentin Area Access Study
2608-Miller Cr/Las Gallinas Impr. (Marinwood) 

ED-1 Safety Campaign [Download safety posters: Lights On / Stop for Pedestrians / Streets are for Everybody]PA-7 Health Promotion
ED-6 Engineering SeminarsPA12- Share the Road and Share the Path 
ED-7 Bicycle Education/Street Skills

PA-13 Street Smarts Implementation

ED-8 Riding with Youth WorkshopsRES-2 Bicycle Repair Classes/Programs
INC-3 Personal Travel Planning /Way to Go
RES-4 Community Walking Maps
PA-4 Booths at EventsRES-8 Bicycling Maps

800-Bike Parking 802-Bicycle Detection at Intersections
804-Steps, Lanes, and Paths