Projects and Programs
FINAL SAN QUENTIN AREA BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS STUDYLast updated: 10/28/11 The County of Marin kicked off the San Quentin Area Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Study in Spring, 2010. The project studied ways to improve bike and pedestrian access in the San Quentin area. As a key gap identified in the San Francisco Bay Trail Gap Analysis Study, the area is also one of the top priority projects in the county as described in the 2008 Marin County Unincorporated Area Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. San Quentin Area Bicycle and Pedestrian Study Intro [419 kb] San Quentin Area Bicycle and Pedestrian Study Appendix B - Geotechnical Evaluation Appendix C - Drainage Evaluation Part 1 Part 2 Appendix D - Environmental Constraints Analysis Appendix E - Golden Gate Transit Bus Stop Design Guidelines Location The area surrounding San Quentin State Prison, including both the north and south sides of Interstate 580, nearby gaps in the San Francisco Bay Trail, the corridor from Main Street at I-580 to the intersection of Anderson Drive and Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Main street through San Quentin village to the San Quentin Prison entrance, and improved access/egress to/from existing bus stops that provide service across the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge. Project Information
Public Workshop #1 Public Workshop #1 for the San Quentin Access Study was held at San Rafael Public Works from 6:30 to 8:30 PM on Tuesday, April 20th. The purpose of this workshop was to review the scope of the study, and to hear community input on the existing conditions, opportunities and constraints in the area. View a map of the meeting location, or download an event flyer with a full meeting description and agenda. Workshop #1 Presentation [8.8 MB PDF] View presentationWorkshop #1 Study Area Maps
The San Quentin Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Study Public Workshop #2 was held on Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at the City of San Rafael Public Works Department. The purpose of the workshop was to receive community input on conceptual bicycle and pedestrian improvement alternatives under consideration in the study area. This was the last public workshop for the study. Click here to download the event flyer |